CDA Scholarship Application Form

Before you begin the application, please be sure that you have:
  • Have reviewed the Scholarship requirements by clicking here.
  • The CDA or JCDA Member Name, Court Name, Location and Number,  of the CDA or JDCA Member that you know. 
  • Either the name and email of your school counselor or or a digital copy of your school activities signed and dated  by your school counselor to upload with this application.
  • Either the name and email of your Parish Priest or Youth Minister, or a digital copy of your church Activities signed and dated by your Parish Priest or Youth Minister, to upload with this application.
This form requires a login or first create an account below, which allows you to save your completed pages and come back later to complete the application. Please note, there is a 30 minute security timeout feature.  If there are issues with the form loading - please go to our portal at and complete the form there.